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archive of dennis g. / XORN.ORG time is running out - always!


Just a small link and example collection, hope it can help you!

You might want to visit one of the following pages:
Learn xHTML at the W3C
After that learn CSS at the W3C
The HTML Hell Page on ESR's Homepage

Here are some easy-to-understand CSS Examples by me:
"Table" Layout without Tables ...
Centered Fixed Layout
Right aligning boxes which get to the next line if there isn't enough space

A nice Homepage to see a decent examples of using xhtml/css (decent in the way of, structured, and w3 valid):
Eric S. Raymond's Home Page
Maybe you can also learn from the code of this/my page itself, I don't know..

Keywords for crawlers: Firefox GNU Linux Photography Software Hardware Thinkpad Z61e X61s Dennis Debian Camera Gear Microcontroller Buttons
(c) Dennis G. 2004-2011 created with the gimp and text editor last change of this file: February 08, 2009 - 22:28